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Charities & Good Causes > Macmillan Travel
Macmillan Travel

Macmillan Travel

Many people who have had cancer and recovered are still either refused travel insurance or must pay more for the insurance. According to a survey conducted by Macmillan Cancer Support, 6% of the 1,137 people all of whom were either in remission from their cancer or had recovered completely said they had been flatly refused travel insurance coverage. While 8% had chosen not to pay the higher premiums and go on holiday without insurance coverage, 40% of those surveyed had been asked to pay higher premiums than they would have had to if they had not had a medical history that included a cancer diagnosis. Most of those surveyed complained that they were asked insensitive questions as part of the application process, such as whether they or a family member were ìgoing to die. Following the study, Macmillan Cancer Support, which provides free care and support to those afflicted by cancer, has launched its campaign named Recovered but not Covered to help people get a better deal on travel insurance. Macmillan will make efforts to persuade the travel insurance industry to take a fresh look at the risks posed by recovered or recovering cancer patients as well as to make sure that these individuals are treated with respect when they apply for travel insurance. It is also urging patients to join the Recovered but not Covered campaign by sharing any tips, ideas or experiences visit our website or by taking part in Macmillanís travel insurance survey. Macmillan is launching its campaign with a major awareness drive using radio advertisements, online advertising, posters, an information leaflet and website. Insurers defend their premium structure by saying that costs have to reflect their risks. A spokesman for the Association of British Insurers said there is always a risk that cancer could recur in those who have been previously diagnosed and that insurers assess that risk ìusing the best available medical evidence. However, the head of campaigns and public affairs at Macmillan Cancer Support insists that many people ìlive long and active lives after cancer which is why Macmillan believes that the travel insurance industry should review its guidelines for insuring those who have had cancer.

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